- Professional profiles that can be applied in any work context
- Internships with over 100 national and international ICT companies
- Job secured within a few months of graduation
- Study environment addressed to internationalization and to work as highly qualified teachers
- Delivered in English with double title with European Universities
- curriculum focused on Artificial Intelligence
- Specialization in Data Science and Computer Security
- Intelligent Systems
- Knowledge Representation
- Machine and Deep Learning
- Automatic Reasoning
- Agile development of software systems
- Virtual reality
- Data analytics and big data
- Methods and tools for IT security
Teaching approaches
- Development of projects and laboratory activities
- Training experiences and internships in companies and research centers in Italy and abroad
- Ability to problem solving
Students participate in competition examination. Admission requirements can be found in the admission announcement. Enrollment stages are the following:
- Early (July)
- Standard (September)
- Postponed (October/December): if places are still available
After the publication of the final ranking, admitted students can enroll by paying the first fee instalment. Non-EU students can participate in a specific call (March / April); Pre-registration on universitaly.it is required
For the announcement of admission, the attachments and further information consult the section dedicated to master’s degrees

LM18 Computer Science

Course description
The program in Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science trains professionals capable of occupying high-ranking positions both in ICT companies and in public institutions or to continue their education in PhDs and post-graduate schools. In the national panorama, the program is characterized by solid foundations in Computer Science and a modern specialization in Artificial Intelligence (a field of international excellence for the University of Calabria) and particularly focuses on innovative technologies for data analysis (Data Science), and for computer security (Computer Security).
Students with a degree in the classes L-31 Computer Science, L-8 Information Engineering, L-35 Mathematics, L-41 Statistics and L-30 Physics or any equivalent qualification obtained abroad and who have accrued at least 24 ETCS in Computer Science (INF/01 or ING/INF05) and at least 12 ETCS in Mathematics (MAT/*). Minimum knowledge of English at B2 level
The course aims to provide the knowledge and skills necessary to train analysts and experts in artificial intelligence and computer science specializing in systems for data analysis (Data Science) or computer systems security (Computer Security)
Graduates perform design, development, construction management, estimation, testing and management of advanced information systems, including artificial intelligence systems, through the use of advanced, innovative or experimental methodologies. The program allows graduates to register in the Roll of information engineers. 100% of graduates find a job 2 months after graduation

Fees, contributions and exemptions
Costs calculated based on family income (ISEE-University) and including:
- fee for the equal access to university studies (from 130€ to 160€);
- annual amount (from 0 (if ISEE-University <= € 22,000) to € 2,000);
Flat tax = €1,000 for international students (UE and non UE)
With a family income (ISEE-University < € 24,000) students are entitled to receive:
- Scholarship consisting of total exemption from taxes, cash share, canteen and accommodation service (for off-site students)
- Grants for international mobility
- Reduced rates for the use of sports facilities and cultural services
- Benefits for students completing their degrees within regulation time
Exclusively on grounds of merit, students can obtain:
- International mobility grants (Erasmus)
- Free accommodation and canteen services published in the call DUnicAL career program for student-athletes.
- Scholarships for non-EU students Facilitated access to STEM programs
- prizes for excellent students
- higher scholarships for female students
Discover the career of former students

Life on Campus
In the largest and best equipped campus in Italy students will experience the sense of a unique university community, sharing educational, recreational, sporting and cultural events with fellow colleagues and professors. The Campus is equipped with lecture rooms, a sports center, theaters, amphitheaters, cinemas, cafes, refreshment areas and other places for socialization, thus offering an extraordinary human and educational experience.
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Services to Students
Unical is organized as an independent town that provides the best possible solutions of accommodation for students and staff living on campus, because it offers multiple services for study activities and for individual and collective well-being: libraries, the Language Learning Center, counselling and inclusion services. The Campus also includes a health center, a post office, a bank counter and a mindfulness dedicated area.
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Residential Center
It complements and completes the services provided by the University of Calabria and has put into shape the idea of a British-American campus-style University. It encompasses 10 districts hosting the university residences, consisting of apartments with double and single rooms, living room, kitchen and toilets. In these districts there are common areas for study and recreational activities and sports, there are TV rooms, game rooms and gyms; launderettes and bike rental services are also available.
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If you want to know more about the Degree Course
For details on the contents of the individual courses, periods of training abroad, teachers, tutors, classrooms, laboratories, research centers, other structures and social initiatives visit the website of the Degree Course.
Go to the institutional website